We pursue the highest standards of management and seek operational efficiency in the tasks performed, constantly improving the processes, systems and technologies applied. We unceasingly strive to develop our competences and skills, searching for new solutions.
GAZ-SYSTEM's values
We are a reliable and solid partner – we keep our commitments. For us, trustworthiness is a continuous and long-term action, involving all employees, leading to building and maintaining authentic relationships and trust.
We build partnerships with our stakeholders, establishing clear principles of cooperation based on respect, trust, and open communication. We foster a friendly working atmosphere, supporting and inspiring each other.
We ensure energy security by providing uninterrupted gas transmission. Reliability and security of gas infrastructure is our priority. Notwithstanding the above, we also provide safe working conditions to our employees and co-workers.
We pursue our business objectives in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, in cooperation with various stakeholder groups, with due respect for social and natural environment.
The key document governing the standards of conduct for employees and the business environment is the Company’s Code of Ethics. In accordance with its provisions, the Company fosters a friendly working environment with full respect for diversity. We categorically reject any form of discrimination at work, especially on the grounds of gender, race, age, origin, religion, disability, views, sexual orientation, social status, marital status, political affiliation, or trade union membership. In 2023, there was no record of any form of discrimination within the Company.
Both employees and external stakeholders are vested with the right to report concerns regarding breaches of ethical principles or standards. All reported information will be treated with due attention and confidentiality. In the past year, 10 cases classified as questions and reports were submitted to the Ethics Officer.

GAZ-SYSTEM has an ‘Corruption Prevention Procedure’ in place, defining anti-corruption mechanisms and reporting principles in this regard. GAZ-SYSTEM’s employees and representatives are obliged to observe all statutory regulations, guidelines of administrative authorities and other state bodies relating to anti-corruption principles and activities. It is strictly prohibited to undertake, participate in, promote or instigate any corruption activities.
- bribery,
- influence peddling,
- inadmissible precautionary action,
- abuse of power,
- failure to comply with obligations,
- acceptance of an undeserved advantage,
- acceptance of a promise of advantage,
- conditioning the performance of an official act,
- requesting an advantage,
- conflict of interest,
- nepotism,
- cronyism,
- thwarting or obstructing a public tender.
In the ‘Anti-Corruption Policy’ adopted in 2023, the Company declares absolute adherence to the principle of zero tolerance for corruption. The priority is the elimination of factors that increase the risk of corruption in the process of the Company’s operations. GAZ-SYSTEM Management pledges its full commitment to the maintenance and continuous improvement of the corruption prevention system. All employees and associates of GAZ-SYSTEM, as well as partners, suppliers, and customers, are obliged to comply with this Policy, including acting with integrity and honesty, in accordance with the following principles:
- it is forbidden to participate in any practices indicative of corruption, consisting in offering, promising, giving, accepting, demanding or applying for undue financial or non-financial advantage, in particular in relation to the performance of official duties,
- any retaliation against any person for refusing to give or accept an improper advantage is prohibited,
- any person involved in, witnessing, or having information about any incident of corruption is obliged to report it immediately.
The anti-corruption issues also referred to in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. All members of staff are obliged to prevent corruption and bribery, to report observed irregularities and to avoid any forms of corruption.
GAZ-SYSTEM’s requirements towards suppliers:
- Preventing corruption and bribery (including giving gifts),
- Reporting to GAZ-SYSTEM representatives and identified irregularities, violations of applicable rules and policies, or instances of corruption or bribery,
- Refraining from participation in any acts of corruption or bribery,
- Refraining from offering or giving to GAZ-SYSTEM employees monetary gifts in any form or amount, material or non-material benefits, advantages or the promise of advantages, the offer of which could be interpreted as an attempt to influence the decision of GAZ-SYSTEM regarding the selection of a Supplier,
- Establishing a system to enable employees to report any violations of corporate ethics and to respond quickly and eliminate such violations.
In 2023, no cases of corruption were confirmed in the Company. In the reporting period, there were no also material cases of violation of applicable laws and regulations at GAZ-SYSTEM that would result in legal sanctions, financial losses, or reputational damage.
Protection of whistleblowers
Each employee of the Company is obliged to communicate to his/her immediate superior, the Anti-Corruption Commission or the GAZ-SYSTEM Ethics Team information/signals on suspected corruption risks. This issue is described in the „Corruption Prevention Procedure” and the „Procedure for the detection of irregularities and protection of whistleblowers in the Company”. Notifications can be submitted by email to: sygnal@gaz-system.pl, or by sending a letter to the Company’s registered office address, or by contacting members of the Anti-Corruption Committee in person or by telephone. The chairperson of the Committee decides on the manner in which reports are handled.
The Company guarantees to whistleblowers full confidentiality, safety and taking all measures to prevent possible negative consequences the whistleblower may suffer. In the course of the response procedure, the Company does not endeavour to establish the identity of the whistleblower, nor does it draw negative consequences on persons who have reported in good faith, but whose information is not confirmed during the investigation.

Conflicts of interest
One of the duties of employees is to consider the Company’s reputation by avoiding situations where a conflict of interest may arise. This aspect is described in detail in the „Corruption Prevention Procedure”. GAZ-SYSTEM’s employees are obliged to avoid any activities that might induce them to use confidential information or influence Company decisions in a way that is unfair or incompatible with the Company’s interests. This issue is also described in the Company’s Code of Ethics. According to that code, it is prohibited to use positions for personal advantage and to influence the terms and conditions of employment of relatives. Both employees and contractors are obliged to avoid situations that could affect the transparency of cooperation or have a negative impact on the image of GAZ-SYSTEM.
Provisions relating to conflicts of interest are also stipulated in the Company’s Articles of Association. The document precisely defines the conditions to be fulfilled by the top management of the organisation in this respect. A Member of the GAZ‑SYSTEM Management Board cannot simultaneously hold a position as a MP or Senator or in employment with any political party. Furthermore, in accordance with the principle of unbundling, a Member of the Management Board cannot simultaneously hold a position in other governing bodies of an energy company involved in energy production, generation, or trade, or have any interest in the aforementioned entities without the consent of the Supervisory Board.